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About Us

Based in a village near Stratford Upon Avon, Warwickshire

Growing successfully and continuously in the local area since 2001


NPTC licensed (pesticide and herbicide usage) & a member of IOG

Superior to over-the-counter products

Scheduled treatment plan

Feed & Weed

Long-life dry-granule professional fertilisers are applied up to six times per year.

Each application gives approximately ten weeks of controlled growth release to strengthen and "green-up" the lawn.  On the same visit, weeds and moss are spot-sprayed with a selective weed-killer.

Feed & Weed

Spot Treatment

For the more resistant weeds it may be advisable to have additional spot-treatment visits.


If you fertilise your own lawn and struggle with difficult weeds, we can help to control them with our professional spot treatment service.


​Initially, some lawns may require extra treatments depending on the state of the lawn.

Sprayer Lawn Landscape


A scarifier is a machine with a series of vertically mounted rotating sprung blades.


Scarification is necessary to remove "thatch" (the build-up of dead grass over a period of time) to remove creeping grass and relieve surface soil compaction.

We always have regard to acting in the best interests of the lawn and as an independent lawn care business we prefer to scarify in the optimum recovery period (February/March) to avoid having an unsightly lawn through the winter months.


Initially, some lawns may require extra treatments depending on the state of the lawn.


Aeration (hollow, solid and micro-tining)


This uses a number of vertically mounted driven hollow tubes which remove a series of small cores of earth to a depth of up to approximately 75mm / 3 inches. It also helps relieve deeper compaction of the soil, improves drainage and improves grass root development.

Hollow-Tining Pickup (Our recommended service)

This is an adopted industry practice of picking up the cores of earth after hollow-tining.  This avoids the inconvenience of leaving the cores on the lawn.  If not removed, these cores could otherwise take a long time to break-down.

Hollow-Tining Without Pickup

This offers the service of hollow-tining with cores left on the lawn to break down over time.


This uses spikes to punch holes in the lawn.  It is a form of tining without any cores being produced (gives some of the benefits of hollow-tining, but not all).


This is a type of solid-tining used to counter the effects of summer soil hydrophobia - we use this as the first port of call before using chemical wetting agents

Note that any mechanical procedure may result in some temporary disruption to a lawn's appearance before the full benefits are gained.


Initially, some lawns may require extra treatments depending on the state of the lawn.


Reseed and Top-Dress

The condition of some lawns may mean that re-seeding and/or top-dressing is advisable.

Top Dressing Being Applied Banner

Fungal Control & Soil Rehydration

Wetting agents may be used in certain circumstances to assist the soil in retaining moisture.  However, we would only use them as a last resort as they tend to treat the symptom and not the cause.


Soil can become hard, dry and compacted which can prevent water penetration.  In such a situation we recommend micro-tining as this may reduce the need for chemicals: wetting agents may be used to help re-hydrate the soil and allow grass to repopulate the area.

Fungal Control & Soil Rehydration

Paths & Drives

For the control of weeds and moss on paths and drives etc, a regular spraying service is offered.  We recommend monthly or bi-monthly control throughout the growing season.

Spot Drive

Insect & Bug Control

We recommend using Nematodes, a biological method of dealing with insects and bugs.



Bugs Treatment

More photos

Please see our Facebook page for more photos.

My Feet on the Lawn
Home: Services

My aim is to promote best cultural practice and limit the use of chemicals.


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